Its really hard for me to write all this and I feel aggravated and feel like in a toaster while writing all this.
The situation of jobs in Pakistan is getting poorer and poorer and inflation is also increasing by every minute..sometime I wonder if if the class-3 people after mediocre in Pakistan would be able to get a 1.5 Litre Coca Cola for special guests.
The IT jobs are not stable and are known as to be a so called shifting economy of Pakistan but the truth is whether you gt an IT job with a hard effort or get it in a snap by some powerful reference you just cant get stable in that, even if you are determined you are caught in a web of such unfathomable conspiracies that you quit yourself. I wont be be a diplomat and would like to name some high esteemed professional organizations like Infotech, Horizon Technologies, NetTech, Softtech Microsystems and Global Technologies. I have seen and heard such ugly experiences of my friends.
The teaching jobs in our country is a matter of sustainability. A teacher has to go through a war zone for his/her first week. Those who succeed in that that par level is considered to be the appropriate one and eligible for the post. All the schools here whether its a top holder private English medium school or a known old government school have a tough, ruthless, racially divided and gang-infested students. The victims are forced to slaughter their dreams of becoming someone which they or their parents had dreamed of before entering that school.
I am mentioning all these things knowing that I can never provide you all a solution of even if I succeed I know that the readers would not be having any courage to stand up and do something against this bloody system of our country. The main root cause of every problem in our country is the unstable political environment and our feudalistic government. Out Pakistani students should act as a catalyst; a wave of change in Pakistan and for that our teachers should force press acts at education ministry. I do not whatever legalities but there was to be some way like this.
The extremism in our Pakistani communities is increasing day by day and that is somewhat the reason Pakistan is being considered a 3rd world country. Our dilemma is the unstable political scenario of today. Due to this nobody from outer region wants to invest anywhere in our country. We have to attract the foreign investors to our country and for that we have to become one community and one nation and eliminate the whole element of extremism.
Please please please realize our forte and gold mine should be our silver employment status, education, well groomed community, humanity and a crafted culture. Just remember:
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
I would really appreciate some fellowship on this blog and a feedback for whatever you think about my postings. I write what I feel, see and hear from my close and friend groups sources, so no offense to anyone. Thank you for reading this.
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