Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a Perception Influence that Long Distance Friendships never work!

Long Distance Friendships!!! When you just read this word what comes in your mind in a snap? - Oh bla bla bla, Stay away from it - No way! Yuck - Uhh Man Its never happening to me - Well, Why even even think about it, it never works -

I know you want to say that it sucks! I mean who would want to jeopardize something indefinite and something in front of you for someone you have to work so hard to maintain a long distance friendship or relationship. It would seem absurd to you. You can meet someone with a friend's reference, or meet online, or meet at some event or occasion and get friends. Obviously friendship is a certainty which is bound to happen like any other relationship. You can't just escape it unless you are some working undercover or some secret agent for a president or just another heartless person who lead his/her life mathematically and preplanned.

I feel like an obligation to myself if I ever come across a long distance friendship and even consider special treatment given to my friend on other side to avoid any harsh circumstances or dis-clarity. Again its a faith and trust story. Most often you see long distance friendships never get successful. It is just because you live in an era where you prefer heart over brains and think logistics.

I have a question for all those friends and folks out there who have comments about their long distance friends such as why cast pearls before swine or putting new wine in old bottles. I would like to counter them with the question why trusting them and putting your faith the first time. To work such a relationship you have got to believe and have faith in yourself that you'll make it happen and it was just not an inevitability and now you have to blame yourself, your friend or fate.

You can make it work if you want just like you can with your friends who you hang out with all the time, your colleagues and mates from college. Enough with the heavy guys and let me cut the crap and just come to these points. Do it and I don't see that there is any reason you can't work it out unless the person at that other long distance is douchebag!:

1. Get a clear head by questioning your friends to know the parameters of relations. I believe this would be awkward and difficult but it can save a lot of your precious time in future.
2. More than occasional phone calls, video calls, chat and emails are really important. Do fix one day in a week at least for video calls. This is important.
3. Do things together which can activate both to work on similar interest simultaneously like watching some TV show together, playing any multiplayer game online, keeping a same pet or cooking or eating same food at same time. Tons of thousands of thing. I would not bore you with that in my blog. :)

4. Even in difficult situations try communicating with your friend on any portal just once, even it's for a minute or two. Trust me this is the most positive and trustworthy impact you ever will make.

5. Letting your friend on freewill is crucial. Do not bound his/her to a line where an automated commitment occurs and the chances of level of frustration rises. I am sure you got it all and no explanation needed.

6. Challenge each other to some personality traits. It should be in fun and not a serious game. Stop it right away when it produces heat. This is entirely depending on how strong or weak a relationship it so this point can actually be a lifeline for a long distance relationship. If it works it strengthens your friendship more and if it doesn't the it gets more weak.

7. You can forget birthdays, family events, occasions and dates with your friends living around you. I don't mean that it okay but you can mend it later but it is really important to remember all this in a long distance friendship.
8. Avoid much jealousy and listen and accept his or her other relationships and do not be judgmental about those relationships because you DEFINITELY don't know anything about them.

9. Say positive things all the times and avoid uttering out your shaky thought as this could be very discouraging and demoralizing.
10. Give them a personal object of yours. Something dear to you. You'll see its magic later. :)
11. Never let your friend get solitary or cornered in a time when he /she has lost hope in other connections and make sure you are there for your friend and if your friend is wrong you should not tell about it at that moment. Put some sense afterwards and hit it when the iron is hot.If you don't do this you can lose your friend forever.

12. Try be forgiving as much as possible. Ignore silly mistakes and fun making and don't take anything on your heart. Forget and forgive is the greatest key I can ever find in a nice working relationship.
 13. A little absence, gap makes you much fonder whenever there is a recent hard talk happened. It gives both of you time and space to rejuvenate and restore.

14. Obviously it is a long distance friendship and the chances of being together are rare so when you meet try all possible chances to be intimate and give private time. Do keep a time to have reunion with other friends and people but make sure you are keeping your friend's interest intact but it's better to keep most your time private for your friend.

Have a blessed life and all the best if anyone of you out is having a long distance friendship or relationship. Good Luck!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pooja Bedi is not to be seen in the Bigg Boss 5 Finale

Pooja Bedi has recently tweeted about being informed by the Bigg Boss show that she is not to attend the finale. Obviously Pooja herself and her fans are shocked and might be angry to see or hear this. According to Pooja’s statement; 

I am taken aback. It's in my contract that I am to attend finale. They blocked my dates and even informed me I was to do a medley. And three days ago abruptly the production house informed me that I was to not attend the finale. They told me that it was the channel's decision, however, the channel blamed the production house."

Pooja Bedi wants to sue the Color Channel and putting forth the allegation about the rigged show and saying that it is mandatory for her to be in the finale according to the contract and that shewould like to have an explanation cancelling her entry in the finale.

Well Pooja we want to let you know that the contract can be canceled by Bigg Boss if any contestant is seen, heard and called on a showing proof about uttering rubbish that the show is rigged, incorrect, fake and put in question for being a reality show. Pooja did that and told all this to India times so her she automatically get invalidity for the contract. She does not hold any right to be in the show anymore unless the Bigg Boss wants her to be and continue messing with the host Salman Khan’s views about all contestants. 

People are really angry and even Pooja’s already fans had to turn against Pooja Bedi for contradicting Salman Khan in a way that she prefers Akashdeep Saigol on Salman Khan. What kind of a human being does it make Pooja Bedi who is turning off her 14 year old friendship with Salman Khan for a 2 months old friendship with Akashdeep Saigol aka Sky.

Watch out Pooja before the world turns you in for a non celeb common buffoon human being who has a pathetic approach on taking a criticism for what you are in reality. Just accept what is going on and save your ‘bachi kucchi’ respect and live in peace. Good luck with keeping the good name of Bedis.

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